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Complaints report

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Vehicles with suspected problems must be taken out of service immediately.
Consequential faults that occur due to continued driving are not covered by the warranty.
» Read our warranty terms

For fastest possible processing, you need to give us a complete picture of the problem. It is important that you answer all the questions and, in the case of free text answers, answer as extensively as possible. If we do not receive thorough answers regarding error description, error codes, etc., the processing can be delayed or even made impossible.

  • The person we can contact if we need additional information
  • To the person we can contact if we need additional information.
  • To the person we can contact if we need additional information.
  • (max 50 MB)
  • (max 50 MB)

  • It is important that you accurately describe the problem and what happened/is happening. Detailed information means that we can handle the complaint more efficient.

Det är viktigt att du svarar på samtliga frågor och, vid fritextsvar, svarar så utförligt som möjligt. Om vi inte mottar tydliga svar så som felbeskrivning, felkoder etc. kan detta fördröja eller helt omöjliggöra hanteringen av ärendet.

Hellsten Gears AB

Varbergsvägen 416
439 73 Fjärås

0300 - 742 20
